Home / All Products / CABUYA HANDLINE
COLOR OPTIONS: Orange and Blue.
VERSATILE: They are compact and lightweight, easily fitting into a pocket or pack.
MADE FROM: A durable high impact polymer, they are resistant to fuel, oil, sunshine, saltwater, and they even float.
THE DIMENTIONS: Sprongs dimensions are based on home silverware for familiarity and comfort.The spoon is 1 tablespoon in volume, a common and useful unit of measure.
EACH HANDLINES: Holds 135 meters of 3,6-9.1 kg monofilament line and can be easily cast distances comparable to a rod and reel.
EACH WRAP: Eats up 25 centimeters of line, allowing you to retrieve fast enough to keep even heavy lures in play.
SAVE TIME: On the water. Pre-rig several handlines with different tackle setups.
THE PERFECT TOOL FOR: Backpacking, Campinging, Canoeing, Mortorcycle/Bicycle Touring, River Running, Bushcrafting, Wilderness Survival, Disaster Preparation or Impromptu.